How to Start a Bakery in Delhi

Are you planning to start your own bakery in Delhi? Don’t know where to get started?

Don’t worry, we understand how big a decision it is to start your own bakery especially if it is your first time. No need to start stressing out because we have listed down everything that you need to know in order to start your bakery.

From location scouting to manufacturing baked products, we have covered all the steps that you would need to follow in order to open a bakery. All you need to do is follow the plan and bake delicious goods and you will have your own successful bakery.

Make a Business Plan for your Bakery

First and foremost, you need a rough plan for your bakery. You need to pick the kind of baked goods that you will be selling and how big your bakery is going to be. Are you going to start an online bakery or a shop bakery?

And how much space you are going to need? Will it have a sit-in place for customers or is it going to be just a takeaway bakery? There are a lot of things that you need to decide before you can move forward. Also, decide on a name for your bakery as this will be used in branding and marketing strategy later on.

Finalize the Budget for your Bakery and Get the Funding

Once you have an idea about the kind of bakery that you are planning to open, you will need to keep a track of your financial status. Estimate the cost of starting your own bakery and then choose how you are going to get the funds for it.

If you have savings, make sure that you don’t use it up entirely on your bakery, keep some as a fall-back cushion. You can also apply to banks and investors for a loan but be careful with the amount you ask for and don’t agree to high interest-rates.

Choose for the Perfect Location for your Bakery in Delhi

As soon as you have funds, it is time you start location hunting in Delhi. Location of your bakery will determine the kind of crowd that you are likely to see. So, make sure that you choose a location in a popular market or near the residential area so that more people are likely to come.

Also, you will need to consider the price of the shop before you can make a purchase. While getting a place in Khan market, G.K., etc. sounds good but if it over your budget then choose a different location. You will also need to consider the distance of your bakery from your house before deciding on your bakery location, so don’t make this decision in a hurry.

Scout out a couple of places and then weigh both the pros and cons of each place before deciding anything. And do get the places checked for water and drainage facility. Also, make sure you get a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the owner for using the place as a food outlet.

Get the Necessary Licensing and Registrations Completed

The next step is to get the licensing and registrations completed for your bakery. Your bakery needs to have 5 types of licenses: FSSAI license, GST registration, Fire license, Police Eating House license, and Local Municipal Corporation Health license.

For the FSSAI license, you will need to apply online and the GST registration can be done with the help of a CA. As for the Local Municipal Corporation Health license, you will need to contact your local municipal health inspector. And for the fire license, you will need to install the fire extinguishers first.

Make sure that you have all the licenses ready before you open up your bakery.

Arrange for the Equipment and Manufacturing of Raw Materials

You will also need to buy important equipment like ovens, stand mixer, deep fridge, cooling fridge, etc. which you will need for baking. Make sure that your all pieces of equipment are made up of stainless steel and long-lasting.

Also, avoid buying cheap equipment as it can get damaged easily and will not be as efficient to use in the baking process.

Hire Some Manpower for your Bakery

Another important step to consider is to get good and reliable people to work in your bakery. You would need servers, helpers, pastry chef, baker, etc. to help you out in your bakery. And depending on the size of your bakery, the number of people required to run the bakery will increase or decrease.

You will also need to consider the salary depending on their experience.

Design the Display Area for your Bakery

The display area of your bakery is of utmost importance as this will help in getting some customers to your bakery. Make sure that your front end display is arranged in a pleasing manner so that it is attractive to walk-in customers.

Also, you might need to get a display fridge to store your cold desserts which will allow the customers to make their choice by looking at the presentation of each dessert.

Do Proper Branding and Marketing of Your Bakery

Finally, once you have everything ready and are about to inaugurate your bakery, you need to start promoting and marketing it around your area and on the Internet. Get a nice and appealing display board for your bakery and make user-friendly menus for your bakery.

You can also get some pamphlets made which you can distribute in the neighborhood. Another thing which you can do is create an event on Facebook and share it with your friends and family and ask them to share it as well. This will create an online buzz and will make your bakery easily recognizable.

Sounds fun right? Opening a bakery can be scary but if you are really passionate about it, then there is nothing to worry about. Just follow the above-mentioned tips and you will have a successful bakery running in no time at all.

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